Support for Melody Bannister
I have spent the last 15 weeks writing weekly letters to her in an Indiana prison cell where, without any due process, she has been incarcerated for the “crime” of taking her own children away from people whom her children had named as vicious abusers. Since justice for the children has never been attempted and justice for Melody has been postponed to breaking point, she has published an account, so that all may judge for themselves.
There is also a fundraiser to help Melody’s legal bill
The number of “anonymous” donors to this fundraiser is sadly reflective of how many of Melody’s supporters have already been threatened for speaking out on her behalf.
Melody has been in jail and is still in jeopardy. As a sister in Christ, she deserves our prayerful support. I have not published this before, as her history was not mine to share, but since her own account is now available, it is commended to those who have the maturity to face the darkness that it contains.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
During her incarceration I have received two letters from Melody. I will keep adding glimpses here of the cards I send to her, as a sign of how long she has been locked away.
Update, 7th August 2020
My family sent a Bible to Melody in her first prison but she was not allowed to take it with her when she was moved. So my family sent a second Bible to Melody. She has not been allowed to receive it so she must continue to use the communal prison Bible.
She has received Quiet Time: A Gentle Anthology of 50 Poems and Stories and we hope it brings some love to her solitude, even if just for a short while.